At our recent AGM, I (S. Rider, BWHS President) mentioned to Gosford City Council’s Mayor, Mr Laurie Maher, who was acting as Scrutineer at the election of our Committee, about a recent visit Bob and I had made to the Lady Denman Museum at Huskinsson on the South Coast.
I was particularly intrigued by the painting of the ship “Sobraon” at
Circular Quay held in their Maritime exhibit. This closely resembles
the print of a painting of the “Sobraon” held in our museum.
I mentioned that I had photographed the painting as well as the Bell
off the “Sobraon” which was also in their collection. Mr Maher was
delighted that at long last he had discovered the whereabouts of this
Bell as he had been searching for years for it! I’ve now supplied
copies of the photographs to Mr. Maher, who was Superintendent of
Mt. Penang Training Centre for Boys at Kariong for seven years from
The “Sobraon” was a clipper sailing ship, built in Aberdeen, Scotland
and launched in 1866. For 24 years she sailed between England and
Australia. In 1891 she was purchased by the Government of New
South Wales and used as a floating reformatory ship at Sydney.
Twenty years later she became the stationary Navy training ship
HMAS Tingira. She was sold in 1927 and remained at Berry’s Bay
until 1941, when she was broken up for scrap. The reformatory
eventually became the Mt. Penang Boys’ Training Centre.
This little anecdote now leads into the story of the Lady Denman and
the Museum.
Warren Halloran, the son of pioneer surveyor James Halloran, had
an extensive collection of maps, plans, documents, surveying and
navigation equipment, and many maritime artifacts. He donated
$158,000 for the construction of a museum at Huskinsson to house
the Lady Denman and also donated his maritime collection to the Lady
Denman Museum. It seems that the “Sobraon” Bell was in this
Now, back to the former Sydney ferry the Lady Denman. Shipbuilding
in Jervis Bay goes back to the middle of the 1800s. There
have been at least five different boatbuilding sites at various times
on the shores of Currambene (sounds familiar) Creek between the
grounds of the Lady Denman Heritage Complex and Huskinsson
Wharf. Ships built here include the Lady Denman and Lady Scott
The Lady Denman saw service from 1912 to 1979. When it was
taken out of service the NSW Government handed the ferry back to
where it was built and the Lady Denman Heritage Committee was
formed. After some trials and tribulations the ferry made it back
to the complex and is now listed as an item of Heritage significance by
the NSW Government.
The ferry was named after Lady Gertrude (Trudie) Denman, wife of
the fifth Governor General of Australia, Baron Thomas Denman, who
was appointed in 1910. Lady Denman assisted in the setting up of
the National Council of Women in Western Australia in 1911 and
heavily encouraged groups from other states to meet annually.
The National Councils of Women are still going strong today. One of
Lady Denman’s most important achievements was in her interest
and support for bush nursing. When she arrived in 1911 only one
Remote Area Nurse had been appointed but when she left Australia
almost 20 centres had opened in Victoria alone. Lady Denman is
actually more famous for announcing the name of the new capital city,
Canberra, in 1913 than for her other accomplishments while in
The preservation of the Lady Denman is an ongoing process by
volunteers and donations of time, money, equipment and material.
The former ferry returned home in 1983 and through Government
grants, local funding and donations, the ferry slowly returned to its
once pristine condition. In 1988 the museum complex was finally
opened by Australian swimming legend Dawn Fraser and the Jervis
Bay Museum of Science and the Sea, by Australian solo yachtswoman,
Kay Cottee.
The Lady Denman is one of two remaining original Lady Class ferries.
Her sister ship, the Lady Scott became a floating restaurant and was
renamed the John Cadman.
(Editor’s Note: This Museum is well worth a visit if you are down
that way. It has well presented displays and is in an attractive
Lady Denman Heritage Complex – Information leaflets. Huskinsson, NSW
Naval Historical Society of Australia Inc. – Naval Historical Review 1999-
West Gosford, NSW, Australia
Sunday, April 17, 2011
AGM 2011
Our Annual General Meeting was held on March 15th 2011. Gosford City Council’s Mayor, Mr. Laurie Maher, graciously consented to act as our Scrutineer and a new
Committee was elected for the forthcoming year.
President - Shirley Rider
Senior Vice-President - Margaret Pearce
Vice-Presidents (2) - Bob Rider, Ingrid Rode
Secretary - Edith Campbell
Treasurer - George Boettiger
Committee (3) - Marguarita Tauni, Brian McCafferty, Trish Scott
(Trish was appointed by the Committee later as the position was left vacant at the AGM(see Rule 13 (4)).
Congratulations to our new Committee. Thank you for giving your time and efforts to help our Society.
Mayor, Mr. Laurie Maher, and Charles, Earl of Gosford, were reappointed as our Patrons, Mr. W. Rutledge has agreed to continue as our Honorary Solicitor, and Mr. A. C. Westbury has agreed to continue as our Honorary Auditor.
The following members have also agreed to continue in their appointed roles.
Ros Ellis – Public Officer
Margaret Pearce – Publicity Officer
Shirley Rider – Newsletter Editor
Hannah Atkin will continue as Curator and Elaine Fry will continue as Assistant Curator.
Thank you to these members as well – your efforts are very much
Committee was elected for the forthcoming year.
President - Shirley Rider
Senior Vice-President - Margaret Pearce
Vice-Presidents (2) - Bob Rider, Ingrid Rode
Secretary - Edith Campbell
Treasurer - George Boettiger
Committee (3) - Marguarita Tauni, Brian McCafferty, Trish Scott
(Trish was appointed by the Committee later as the position was left vacant at the AGM(see Rule 13 (4)).
Congratulations to our new Committee. Thank you for giving your time and efforts to help our Society.
Mayor, Mr. Laurie Maher, and Charles, Earl of Gosford, were reappointed as our Patrons, Mr. W. Rutledge has agreed to continue as our Honorary Solicitor, and Mr. A. C. Westbury has agreed to continue as our Honorary Auditor.
The following members have also agreed to continue in their appointed roles.
Ros Ellis – Public Officer
Margaret Pearce – Publicity Officer
Shirley Rider – Newsletter Editor
Hannah Atkin will continue as Curator and Elaine Fry will continue as Assistant Curator.
Thank you to these members as well – your efforts are very much
Sunday, March 13, 2011
President's Report for 2010
I have pleasure in presenting my report for the calendar year of 2010.
Our major event this year was our 60th Birthday/ Christmas party
at the Yellow Piano at Wyoming. Over 40 members and friends
attended this function but we would have liked a few more. Nevertheless,
everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and the entertainment.
Our Guest was Gosford Counsellor, Chris Holstein, who gave an
entertaining presentation.
BWHS was founded in 1950 and acquired Henry Kendall Cottage in
1960. We have a few longtime members, with the longest serving
being Elaine Fry who joined the Society in February 1972.
Elaine then spoke of her experiences and involvement with BWHS that
she had shared with her husband Stan. Not far behind in long service
are Elaine’s sons Kelvin and Daryl Fry who joined in March 1972.
Margaret Pearce presented Certificates of Appreciation on
behalf of BWHS to retiring Duty Members Joan and Fred Koch, Marion
Browne and Barbara Elmes, in recognition of their long and diligent
Book Launch
Gwen Dundon’s latest book “The Ferries of the Central Coast” was
launched at Woy Woy library in September. There was also a launch
of Gwen’s book at Alison Homestead which was attended by Elaine
Fry. We have a copy of this fascinating book in our Library with
copies for sale.
A Big Working Bee and Sausage Sizzle took place in May with the
Museum, Cottage and Grounds closed to the public for a week. A
very big Thank You to those members who attended regularly and
gave so much of their time and efforts. A major clean and tidy up of
our premises was carried out by these dedicated members but it
would have been great to see a few more there to help. The display
Children over the Last 100 years was also erected.
Members Ruth Logan and Brian McCafferty attended, on behalf of
BWHS, a moving Service of Dedication which took place at the Lone
Pine War Memorial Garden at Wyong Historical Society’s Alison
Homestead. After WWI several Pine Trees were originally grown from
seeds taken from a Pine Tree cone carried back and planted in Inverell
NSW in 1928. The Wyong Pine tree is from this source.
An invitation was received from Koolewong & Point Clare-Tascott
Progress Association to attend their special Christmas meeting at
which were displays of old photographs maps, and plans, with stories
about early settlers such as the Fagans. Bob and I attended this on
behalf of BWHS.
An invitation was received recently from Maitland & District’s
Historical Society to attend a function celebrating the opening of
their new premises at Maitland. This Society have been without
adequate accommodation for some time so were of course delighted
to move into their new premises. Edith, Elaine, Margaret, Ron,
Ingrid and I attended on behalf of BWHS.
Throughout the year representatives of BWHS attended a number of
networking functions held by Central Coast Tourism at various
locations on the Central Coast.
These included our successful Street Stall in William Street Plaza on
October 21st. Bunning’s BBQ in August was
a great day. The Rotary Raffle has just concluded.
On our Trading Table in the museum we also have Books, Handicrafts
and Plants on sale. Thanks to Trish Scott for organizing this.
Thank you, thank you to all those hard-working members involved in
these activities – well done!
In March we had Seniors’ Week Displays at Gosford and Erina
We participated in a successful Nostalgia Day at the Regional Gallery
& Japanese Gardens at East Gosford, April 17th and our display
attracted quite a lot of interest. We had a successful day with two
tables of artifacts and books as well as screens for photos and subdivision
plans. Thanks to those members who assisted on this day. Our Early Childhood display in the showcase in our museum had been up for 8 months so now a new display on early Medical paraphernalia has been erected.
In the museum the Photography display was researched and
consequenty re-organised and labeled, thanks again to Jay Sider.
Our Estey Parlour Organ was rejuvenated by Robert Wilson who was
our Guest Speaker in November when he gave a short recital on the
organ. We are very grateful to Robert for all his work.
We hold a very interesting Scrapbook that was compiled by
Garnet Adcock, the second owner of Henry Kendall Cottage and the
founder of Jusfrute. A descendent of Garnet Adcock, Arthur Adcock,
visited our complex in May to do some research and was very
impressed by this scrapbook. Because of its fragile state, the scrapbook
was scanned on to a CD by Jay Sider, a copy given to Arthur and
we retained a copy for our collection. It was a lot of work and we
thank Jay very much for this.
Member Brian McCafferty organised the erection of a special frame
for our “Maitland” Bell and Portholes, free of charge, from Clark
Equipment at Hornsby. A Letter of Thanks was sent to Clark’s and we
really appreciate Brian’s efforts in arranging this.
Working Bees are held before each General Meeting and we’re very
grateful to those members who have given their time and energy to
carry out the various tasks necessary to keep our complex in good
condition and working well.
Many thanks to Jay Sider for his ongoing hard work relabeling,
reorganizing, reading emails, researching and the other computer
work he does. Evidence of Jay’s work is in the many signs he has
redone as well as redesigning our brochure. Our new leaflet is
currently in progress and almost completed.
Brian McCafferty has been sorting and assembling all the newspaper
clippings that have gathered over the years, some of which date back
to 1946. The project has a number of steps and when completed will
enable easy access for research. Thank you Brian for this painstaking
Our ‘very old books’ are gradually being listed and reorganized –
thanks to Jay Sider but he could do with some help now that Terrell
Dixon, who was assisting him, has taken on a full-time job.
We hope this year to reorganize our Library to improve access and
A Heritage Grant was received from Gosford City Council for an
inspection to be carried out by a Heritage Architect. The report found
that we had “spalling” (rising damp) on the front wall of the cottage
which required immediate action. A further Heritage Grant was obtained
from the Council for this work. After obtaining quotes and selecting
one, this work was carried out successfully. It also entailed drainage
work around the cottage and replacement of some rusted downpipes.
A smaller Grant was also received recently for replacing cracked window
panes and this also has been successfully completed.
We are really grateful to the Heritage Committee and Gosford City
Council for these Grants. Thanks to Ros Ellis for all the time and effort
she put into submitting these Grants.
During the inspection by the Heritage Architect it was suggested that
we remove the decaying picket fence so this was carried out by
Norman Allan. This has provided a much clearer view of the Cottage
and Museum from this angle. The lattice at the back of the Bullock
Wagon was also removed and this also provides a much clearer view
of the cottage and museum. Thanks Norman.
Meetings held during the year consisted of 10 General Meetings (no
May or December meetings), 12 Management Committee Meetings,
and 1 Special Committee Meeting concerning our 60th Birthday
Attendances at General Meetings remain at an average of
approximately 23 but we would like to see more members attending.
We have had some great Guest speakers who have been varied and
interesting – thanks to Margaret Pearce for arranging them..
Whilst our sub-committees have wound down somewhat we still have
had very hard working teams organizing our successful Street Stall,
Bunnings BBQ, Cleaning Working Bees, Administration, making Craft
items, General Maintenance, Mowing and Gardening. This hard work
is mostly carried out by a dedicated few. It would be great if we could
have a few more members becoming involved and sharing the load in
the care and maintenance of our valued Cottage and Museum.
We have been very fortunate to have Ingrid Rode who has demonstrated
her hospitality skills in organizing morning and afternoon teas
and special events refreshments, as well as organizing and purchasing
our supplies. Other members such as Brian James and Leni Raica
have filled in on a number of occasions and have been involved in
processing the Newsletter each month. Brian has demonstrated also
his willingness to organize the setting up and putting away the chairs
for our meetings as well as many other little jobs.
About 20 Members and friends enjoyed a Cruise on Brisbane Water
on the Lady Kendall on March 29th.
In July members had an interesting and informative visit to the
Jewish Museum at Darlinghurst with lunch at the Sporties Club at
We try to have 3 or 4 social outings each year. Thanks to Margaret
for arranging these.
A Training and Refresher Session was held on February 24th with
a Special Morning Tea. This was to help clarify many procedures to
Duty Members to assist in their museum duties. For those duty
members who could not attend we are sending a resume of the
proceedings and of course the Procedures Manual is now in our
staffroom for consultation.
I would like to thank most sincerely the hardworking members of our
Committee – Elaine, Edith, Margaret, Ros, George, Bob, Ingrid, and
Norman. Your work and support has been much appreciated. It
would be great if more of our members could share in the many tasks
that need to be done to help in caring for our valued Cottage and
Museum. Just come along to the Working Bees on Tuesday mornings,
before each General Meeting. Any help you can give would be great.
Best wishes to the incoming committee for the coming year. Thank
you for having me as President this year.
Shirley Rider – President
Our major event this year was our 60th Birthday/ Christmas party
at the Yellow Piano at Wyoming. Over 40 members and friends
attended this function but we would have liked a few more. Nevertheless,
everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and the entertainment.
Our Guest was Gosford Counsellor, Chris Holstein, who gave an
entertaining presentation.
BWHS was founded in 1950 and acquired Henry Kendall Cottage in
1960. We have a few longtime members, with the longest serving
being Elaine Fry who joined the Society in February 1972.
Elaine then spoke of her experiences and involvement with BWHS that
she had shared with her husband Stan. Not far behind in long service
are Elaine’s sons Kelvin and Daryl Fry who joined in March 1972.
Margaret Pearce presented Certificates of Appreciation on
behalf of BWHS to retiring Duty Members Joan and Fred Koch, Marion
Browne and Barbara Elmes, in recognition of their long and diligent
Book Launch
Gwen Dundon’s latest book “The Ferries of the Central Coast” was
launched at Woy Woy library in September. There was also a launch
of Gwen’s book at Alison Homestead which was attended by Elaine
Fry. We have a copy of this fascinating book in our Library with
copies for sale.
A Big Working Bee and Sausage Sizzle took place in May with the
Museum, Cottage and Grounds closed to the public for a week. A
very big Thank You to those members who attended regularly and
gave so much of their time and efforts. A major clean and tidy up of
our premises was carried out by these dedicated members but it
would have been great to see a few more there to help. The display
Children over the Last 100 years was also erected.
Members Ruth Logan and Brian McCafferty attended, on behalf of
BWHS, a moving Service of Dedication which took place at the Lone
Pine War Memorial Garden at Wyong Historical Society’s Alison
Homestead. After WWI several Pine Trees were originally grown from
seeds taken from a Pine Tree cone carried back and planted in Inverell
NSW in 1928. The Wyong Pine tree is from this source.
An invitation was received from Koolewong & Point Clare-Tascott
Progress Association to attend their special Christmas meeting at
which were displays of old photographs maps, and plans, with stories
about early settlers such as the Fagans. Bob and I attended this on
behalf of BWHS.
An invitation was received recently from Maitland & District’s
Historical Society to attend a function celebrating the opening of
their new premises at Maitland. This Society have been without
adequate accommodation for some time so were of course delighted
to move into their new premises. Edith, Elaine, Margaret, Ron,
Ingrid and I attended on behalf of BWHS.
Throughout the year representatives of BWHS attended a number of
networking functions held by Central Coast Tourism at various
locations on the Central Coast.
These included our successful Street Stall in William Street Plaza on
October 21st. Bunning’s BBQ in August was
a great day. The Rotary Raffle has just concluded.
On our Trading Table in the museum we also have Books, Handicrafts
and Plants on sale. Thanks to Trish Scott for organizing this.
Thank you, thank you to all those hard-working members involved in
these activities – well done!
In March we had Seniors’ Week Displays at Gosford and Erina
We participated in a successful Nostalgia Day at the Regional Gallery
& Japanese Gardens at East Gosford, April 17th and our display
attracted quite a lot of interest. We had a successful day with two
tables of artifacts and books as well as screens for photos and subdivision
plans. Thanks to those members who assisted on this day. Our Early Childhood display in the showcase in our museum had been up for 8 months so now a new display on early Medical paraphernalia has been erected.
In the museum the Photography display was researched and
consequenty re-organised and labeled, thanks again to Jay Sider.
Our Estey Parlour Organ was rejuvenated by Robert Wilson who was
our Guest Speaker in November when he gave a short recital on the
organ. We are very grateful to Robert for all his work.
We hold a very interesting Scrapbook that was compiled by
Garnet Adcock, the second owner of Henry Kendall Cottage and the
founder of Jusfrute. A descendent of Garnet Adcock, Arthur Adcock,
visited our complex in May to do some research and was very
impressed by this scrapbook. Because of its fragile state, the scrapbook
was scanned on to a CD by Jay Sider, a copy given to Arthur and
we retained a copy for our collection. It was a lot of work and we
thank Jay very much for this.
Member Brian McCafferty organised the erection of a special frame
for our “Maitland” Bell and Portholes, free of charge, from Clark
Equipment at Hornsby. A Letter of Thanks was sent to Clark’s and we
really appreciate Brian’s efforts in arranging this.
Working Bees are held before each General Meeting and we’re very
grateful to those members who have given their time and energy to
carry out the various tasks necessary to keep our complex in good
condition and working well.
Many thanks to Jay Sider for his ongoing hard work relabeling,
reorganizing, reading emails, researching and the other computer
work he does. Evidence of Jay’s work is in the many signs he has
redone as well as redesigning our brochure. Our new leaflet is
currently in progress and almost completed.
Brian McCafferty has been sorting and assembling all the newspaper
clippings that have gathered over the years, some of which date back
to 1946. The project has a number of steps and when completed will
enable easy access for research. Thank you Brian for this painstaking
Our ‘very old books’ are gradually being listed and reorganized –
thanks to Jay Sider but he could do with some help now that Terrell
Dixon, who was assisting him, has taken on a full-time job.
We hope this year to reorganize our Library to improve access and
A Heritage Grant was received from Gosford City Council for an
inspection to be carried out by a Heritage Architect. The report found
that we had “spalling” (rising damp) on the front wall of the cottage
which required immediate action. A further Heritage Grant was obtained
from the Council for this work. After obtaining quotes and selecting
one, this work was carried out successfully. It also entailed drainage
work around the cottage and replacement of some rusted downpipes.
A smaller Grant was also received recently for replacing cracked window
panes and this also has been successfully completed.
We are really grateful to the Heritage Committee and Gosford City
Council for these Grants. Thanks to Ros Ellis for all the time and effort
she put into submitting these Grants.
During the inspection by the Heritage Architect it was suggested that
we remove the decaying picket fence so this was carried out by
Norman Allan. This has provided a much clearer view of the Cottage
and Museum from this angle. The lattice at the back of the Bullock
Wagon was also removed and this also provides a much clearer view
of the cottage and museum. Thanks Norman.
Meetings held during the year consisted of 10 General Meetings (no
May or December meetings), 12 Management Committee Meetings,
and 1 Special Committee Meeting concerning our 60th Birthday
Attendances at General Meetings remain at an average of
approximately 23 but we would like to see more members attending.
We have had some great Guest speakers who have been varied and
interesting – thanks to Margaret Pearce for arranging them..
Whilst our sub-committees have wound down somewhat we still have
had very hard working teams organizing our successful Street Stall,
Bunnings BBQ, Cleaning Working Bees, Administration, making Craft
items, General Maintenance, Mowing and Gardening. This hard work
is mostly carried out by a dedicated few. It would be great if we could
have a few more members becoming involved and sharing the load in
the care and maintenance of our valued Cottage and Museum.
We have been very fortunate to have Ingrid Rode who has demonstrated
her hospitality skills in organizing morning and afternoon teas
and special events refreshments, as well as organizing and purchasing
our supplies. Other members such as Brian James and Leni Raica
have filled in on a number of occasions and have been involved in
processing the Newsletter each month. Brian has demonstrated also
his willingness to organize the setting up and putting away the chairs
for our meetings as well as many other little jobs.
About 20 Members and friends enjoyed a Cruise on Brisbane Water
on the Lady Kendall on March 29th.
In July members had an interesting and informative visit to the
Jewish Museum at Darlinghurst with lunch at the Sporties Club at
We try to have 3 or 4 social outings each year. Thanks to Margaret
for arranging these.
A Training and Refresher Session was held on February 24th with
a Special Morning Tea. This was to help clarify many procedures to
Duty Members to assist in their museum duties. For those duty
members who could not attend we are sending a resume of the
proceedings and of course the Procedures Manual is now in our
staffroom for consultation.
I would like to thank most sincerely the hardworking members of our
Committee – Elaine, Edith, Margaret, Ros, George, Bob, Ingrid, and
Norman. Your work and support has been much appreciated. It
would be great if more of our members could share in the many tasks
that need to be done to help in caring for our valued Cottage and
Museum. Just come along to the Working Bees on Tuesday mornings,
before each General Meeting. Any help you can give would be great.
Best wishes to the incoming committee for the coming year. Thank
you for having me as President this year.
Shirley Rider – President
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
When next you are in the museum take notice of the painting on the left wall.
It is of the Acme a wooden topsail schooner, built by Edward Davis. This
painting was donated to BWHS by Beryl Nixon a few years ago.
Edward Davis was born at Wollongong on 10 January 1837, and was
one of the shipbuilding brothers William, Benjamin, Rock, and Thomas.
Another brother George, was a carpenter but would probably have worked
for some of his time in shipbuilding. Edward was the only native born
Australian among the shipbuilding Davis brothers, his siblings having
arrived in NSW from Ireland in 1833, except for Rock who was born during
the voyage.
In 1859 Edward bought two acres of land at Cockle Creek, Davistown but
it was not until some years later that he set up his own shipbuilding yard on
this site.
Edward Davis moved his shipbuilding operations from Davistown to
Point Frederick in 1874 and Acme was built there in 1876. It was 55 tons,
67.5 X 19.3 x 7.0 ft, and had a female bust figure head. It was owned by
Edward Davis and David Capper, both of Brisbane Water. Sadly it was
wrecked at Seal Rock Bay NSW on 16th July 1876, in a heavy gale on her
first trip. The name Davistown evolved because of the number of Davis
family members living along the stretch of Cockle Creek channel. The
Rev. Alfred Glennie of Gosford referred to the area when writing in his
journals between 1855 and 1864 as Davis Village, Davisville, and Davis
(Ref: Dundon, Gwen. The Shipbuilders of Brisbane Water NSW - Gwen Dundon, 1997)
It is of the Acme a wooden topsail schooner, built by Edward Davis. This
painting was donated to BWHS by Beryl Nixon a few years ago.
Edward Davis was born at Wollongong on 10 January 1837, and was
one of the shipbuilding brothers William, Benjamin, Rock, and Thomas.
Another brother George, was a carpenter but would probably have worked
for some of his time in shipbuilding. Edward was the only native born
Australian among the shipbuilding Davis brothers, his siblings having
arrived in NSW from Ireland in 1833, except for Rock who was born during
the voyage.
In 1859 Edward bought two acres of land at Cockle Creek, Davistown but
it was not until some years later that he set up his own shipbuilding yard on
this site.
Edward Davis moved his shipbuilding operations from Davistown to
Point Frederick in 1874 and Acme was built there in 1876. It was 55 tons,
67.5 X 19.3 x 7.0 ft, and had a female bust figure head. It was owned by
Edward Davis and David Capper, both of Brisbane Water. Sadly it was
wrecked at Seal Rock Bay NSW on 16th July 1876, in a heavy gale on her
first trip. The name Davistown evolved because of the number of Davis
family members living along the stretch of Cockle Creek channel. The
Rev. Alfred Glennie of Gosford referred to the area when writing in his
journals between 1855 and 1864 as Davis Village, Davisville, and Davis
(Ref: Dundon, Gwen. The Shipbuilders of Brisbane Water NSW - Gwen Dundon, 1997)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
60th Birthday & Christmas Celebration, December 14th, 2010
This was held at The Yellow Piano at Wyoming and all appeared to have an
enjoyable time. Thanks go to Ingrid Rode and Elaine Fry for their
organisational work and also to Kelvin Fry for his contribution of the attractive
table decorations. We had some nice food and the entertainment was great
so thanks go to Proprietor Trevor and his staff.
President Shirley Rider welcomed everyone and acknowledged the original
custodians of the area, the Darkinjung people.
Senior Vice President, Elaine Fry, was then invited to speak about the long
history of our Society. She is the longest serving member of BWHS, having
joined the Society in February 1972, with sons Kelvin and Darryl not far behind,joining in March 1972. Their long service was acknowledged on behalf of the Society by Margaret Pearce, Vice President.
Certificates of Appreciation were presented on behalf of the Society by
Margaret Pearce to retiring Duty Members Fred and Joan Koch, Marion Browne and Barbara Elmes for their dedication and outstanding contribution to BWHS and Henry Kendall Cottage.
The Birthday Cake was cut by Shirley Rider, Elaine and Kelvin Fry.
Chris Holstein from Gosford City Council then gave an entertaining presentation and proposed a toast to BWHS on this memorable occasion.
We thank Jay Sider for his work in designing our place mats and Bob Rider
and Tyrell Dixon for the laminating of the place mats. Thanks to Elaine and
Shirley in compiling the Photoboards and to Edith for her delivering them to
and from The Yellow Piano.
enjoyable time. Thanks go to Ingrid Rode and Elaine Fry for their
organisational work and also to Kelvin Fry for his contribution of the attractive
table decorations. We had some nice food and the entertainment was great
so thanks go to Proprietor Trevor and his staff.
President Shirley Rider welcomed everyone and acknowledged the original
custodians of the area, the Darkinjung people.
Senior Vice President, Elaine Fry, was then invited to speak about the long
history of our Society. She is the longest serving member of BWHS, having
joined the Society in February 1972, with sons Kelvin and Darryl not far behind,joining in March 1972. Their long service was acknowledged on behalf of the Society by Margaret Pearce, Vice President.
Certificates of Appreciation were presented on behalf of the Society by
Margaret Pearce to retiring Duty Members Fred and Joan Koch, Marion Browne and Barbara Elmes for their dedication and outstanding contribution to BWHS and Henry Kendall Cottage.
The Birthday Cake was cut by Shirley Rider, Elaine and Kelvin Fry.
Chris Holstein from Gosford City Council then gave an entertaining presentation and proposed a toast to BWHS on this memorable occasion.
We thank Jay Sider for his work in designing our place mats and Bob Rider
and Tyrell Dixon for the laminating of the place mats. Thanks to Elaine and
Shirley in compiling the Photoboards and to Edith for her delivering them to
and from The Yellow Piano.
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